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Saturday, 25.01.2025 Nameday: Pawła i Miłosza

Privacy policy

The company Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o. (Polish Unit of Fleurop Interflora) is the owner of the online shop

Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o. states that it guarantees its customers a high degree of security while they are making use of its services. The management of the personal data disclosed by customers follows the provisions of the Act on Personal Data Protection , of August 29, 1997 (Dziennik Ustaw (Law Journal) of October 29, 1997, along with amendments).
In-detail information on processing personal data is included in the rules below.

Personal data

  1. Placing an order on the service, the customer voluntarily discloses the data indispensabile in the process of completing the dispatch, namely the recipient’s and the sender’s data.
  2. The sender’s personal data are subject to protection in compliance with the Polish law. The owner of the service does not reveal them to the third party, including the dispatch recipient.
  3. The sender’s personal data are used by the company to contact the sender in order to render the completion of the order efficient.
  4. The sender has a possibility to share his/her identity with the recipient by request. To this effect, he/she may put his/her signature in the “content of the card” box provided. The information from this very box, along with the possible signature, will be included in the dispatch. Otherwise the dispatch will remain anonymous.
  5. Orders to be delivered abroad require disclosure of the sender’s data. Otherwise, foreign branches may refuse to process them.
  6. The recipient’s personal data find their way to the courier company and the partner-florist’s shop on the web exclusively to complete the order.
  7. Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o. reserves itself a right to make use of all the personal data provided in the order and in the process of registration – for marketing and operational purposes as well as for the service performance quality survey.
  8. The customer has a right to look into, modify or remove the personal data provided for Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o. The removal of the data requires sending an email message with the topic “delete” to the address [email protected].

Creating an account

  1. To create an account in the service the customer voluntarily provides the personal data indispensabile in the process of completing the order.
  2. When creating the account, the customer agrees to receive commercial and promotional information from the company Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o. as well as its partner services to provided email address.
  3. The customer’s account in the service is protected with the encrypted password. Only the owner of the account has access to the password. For that reason, in the case of losing the password, it is possible to generate a new password after the positive verification of the account owner, but it is impossible to restore the previous password. The password should include from 6 to 32 characters. At any time, the account owner may change the password.

Cookies - the user's data

  1. The information contained in Cookie files is being stored by the company Poczta Kwiatowa® Sp. z o.o., while the user is using the website These data concern the use of the service by the website visitors. .
  2. Cookie files operate to adjust the shop services to the customer’s expectations and allow to conveniently use the subpages of the shop. Thanks to Cookies the website user does not have to write in the login and password each time he/she browses the page.
  3. The data contained in Cookies provide the shop owner with information on number of hits and allow to generate statistics by means of such platforms as Google Analytics. Google does not join any personal data with the IP data of the website user.
  4. The service of Cookie files is possible for the user from the level of the Internet browser. Anyone can remove their Cookie data or can block their installation.

Final provisions

  1. For the questions not regulated herein, the provisions of the Polish law apply, particularly the provisions of the Civil Code.
  2. The service owner has a right to introduce changes in Privacy Policy. The information on such changes shall appear on the shop page