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Satisfaction guarantee
Fresh flowers delivered in aesthetic packaging, top quality elegant presents - for Poczta Kwiatowa® this is much more than an offer. This is a promise we made to our customers! And we approach all of our promises very seriously!
Purchase without risk
Certainly! Our company assures the highest service standard at each stage of order’s realisation. We provide top quality goods and professional service. All of the products in PocztaKwiatowa® offer are under the Satisfaction guarantee. Ordering flowers at our florists is risk free – we offer full customer’s safety in accordance with the highest standards of mail order services. If presents from our offer do not meet Your expectations – they might be returned.
Poczta Kwiatowa Sp. z o.o. guarantees 100% reimbursement in case of client’s dissatisfaction with the performed service. Reimbursement conditions have been stipulated in details in regulations.An order in our company is not regarded as executed until the moment when the customer is satisfied with our service!
Smile guarantee!
Recipient’s smile is a priority issue for us. Aesthetic compositions are prepared with utmost care, exclusively top quality flowers are selected for our bouquets. Professional approach and cooperation exclusively with the best florists in Poland assure us (and you!) of thousands of smiles on recipient’s faces, everyday, in every town. We will deliver you something more than just flowers – we are bound to deliver a successful day!
Changes to the order
Would you like to make changes in bouquets composition or change the delivery address? Or perhaps some changes in text message are necessary? Minor mistake in the delivery date? In case your service has not been executed yet we will make an attempt to meet your expectations and carry them out on the basis of new conditions. Call our consultants, they will offer you assistance in every situation.
Order cancellation
An order placed in Poczta Kwiatowa® might be cancelled without any further costs on the condition that it has not been processed yet and the florist did not bear any costs. We will refund your money the same way it has been transferred to us.
Freshness guarantee, quality guarantee!
If our floral composition for any reasons does not meet your expectations, complaints regarding flowers’ freshness can be send within 3 days of the delivery. Professional florists in Poczta Kwiatowa® will consider all of your remarks and will subsequently suggest a satisfactory solution. No notification is left without our reply, our company is willing to accept any observations. It is your opinion which helps us develop!
Would you like to know more? We will answer all of your inquiries with pleasure,
tel: 22 828 95 95, mail: [email protected].