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Wednesday, 24.04.2024 Nameday: Grzegorza i Aleksandra

Why Interflora

Quick delivery

Being the largest floral wire service in Poland, we guarantee the same price of products from our offer, no matter what place of delivery is. Big agglomeration, city, town or village – it is no difference, the price will not change! From the Baltic sea to the Tatra Mountains – Interflora® guarantee the fastest flowers delivery, up to 4 hours! The fee for our floral arrangements is charged only for the chosen time of delivery and is fixed for a specific time.

Select hour

We can deliver your order within 2-4 hours since placing an order and paying for it. Our standard delivery hours are from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. If you want your order to be delivered within specified period of time, select hours while placing an order.
Wedding and funeral orders can be delivered at exact hour.

The whole world

Our flowers are delivered to every place in Poland and also to the whole world! We cooperate with more than 60 000 florists in 150 countries! Our developed network allows you to send flowers to every location!

Highest quality!

Our partners are only carefully selected polish florists. Thank's to that, we are sure your order will be fulfilled in the best way, with only the freshest flowers, prepared by the most talented florists! Interflora® is the most valued and recognized florist mark in Poland.